The Colours of Spring

The beautiful colours of Spring herald the longer days and warmer weather. The colours you notice first are the Federation Daisies, with their bright double and single flowers. They make a beautiful show in any type of garden. Grevilleas and Callistemons are flowering late winter and early Spring bringing the birds and insects into your garden. It's time to get outside and enjoy the colours of Spring.

Pest numbers increase at this time of the year because of all the juicy new growth. Here are some to look out for-

Citrus Gall Wasp- Remove all developing galls, bag and leave in the sun to kill the larvae.

Scale- Spray with Eco-Oil,this will also control aphids, mites and white fly.

Fruit Fly- Hang lure traps to act as an alert to their presence and use exclusion nets once the fruit is forming.

Snails and Slugs- Protect your seedlings and new growth with pellets or beer traps.

Flowers to plant now are Nasturtium, Zinnia, Sunflowers, Bergonias, Salvia, Petunia, Marigold, Alyssum, Coleus, Vinca and Lobelia.

Vegetables to plant now are Beans, Beetroot, Cabbage, Capsicum, Carrots, Corn, Cucumber, Lettuce, Melons, Pumpkin, Radish, Rhubarb, Shallots, Silverbeet, Tomato and Zucchini.


It is the best time to put in some plants to attract Birds, Bees and Butterflies. We would love to see you in the nursery checking out our large range of native and exotic plants. Stop by for a chat with the horticultural staff and get some advice on what will suit your area. There are also insect hotels available in a range of styles  that will fit into your garden and also make a great gift for that difficult to buy for person.

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Get your lawns looking lush and green by fertilising, aerating and dethatching, drop by for a chat with one of our staff for advice on how to rejuvenate your winter lawn.

There is a large variety of Hybrid Tea, Floribunda, Climbing and  Standard Roses in the nursery right now in bud and flower ready to be planted in your garden or given as a gift to someone special in your life.

We have unpacked a large range of new season pots and water features which are sure to add style and pizzazz to your garden.

Happy Gardening and see you around the nursery.


Janita Adams ( 2020 )